Panoramic Sites: the portfolio of Mike Humphrey.
Panoramic Sites | Panoramic sites. Built with a panoramic set of web skills.
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Just in Jest, 
Cartooning Castle
Watertown Citizens
For Common Sense
WIND Networking
St. Margaret's

Just in Jest, Cartooning Castle Inc.

Just in Jest, Cartooning Castle Inc.

January 2008

I am an artist, and not a computer guru. I found Mike Humphrey to be very helpful with his technical know-how when he developed the company web site.


I particularly liked Mike's posting of a column of separate images of the company logo linked to various pages of products we offer.


We received quite a few compliments on the site praising its simplicity and user-friendly quality.

Thanks, Mike, for a job well done!

Rich Parsons, Cartoonist & Illustrator
Paxton, MA


February 2006


I just wanted to tell you that I am very impressed with your web site here. As an artist, I appreciate the imagery, the order and the ease of navigation. I am also appreciative of all the work you have done on my web site:

I often get compliments on my site, citing similar aspects as I have mentioned above. Thanks for a terrific web site.


God bless you as you continue to maintain and develop this site in order to bring the saving message of our Lord to all the world.

Best regards,

Rich Parsons,

President, Just in Jest Cartooning Castle Inc.
Natick, Massachusetts

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